Guests staying more than one night enjoy free mountain railway transport
Make the most of your holiday with the "Mountain railways included" offer. Nowhere else you can go so high for such low prices: stay more than one night at the Berghotel Randolins, and traveling is included on up to 13 cable cars, funiculars and chairlifts as well as busses and trains in Engadin St. Moritz.
Valid during summer season.
Thanks to the financial support from the municipality of St. Moritz you can profit from free public transport.
Price per room and night.
Stay in summer more than 1 night and you get your free pass for:
* All mountain railway transport services are free of charge for the transport of passengers.
** Transportation companies: ENGADIN BUS (the night bus starting from 9:30pm is not included), PostAuto, Ortsbus, The Rhaetian Railway (2nd class). Routes: Cinuos-chel/Brail - Maloja St. Moritz - Pontresina - Alp Grüm St. Moritz Samedan - Pontresina Bever - Spinas
*** Validity: PostAuto buses (excl. Palm Express) on the routes Maloja–Promontogno–Castasegna–Chiavenna and Promontogno–Soglio